Morning sickness
Morning sickness is experienced by many women during the first trimester of pregnancy, and not just in the morning! While it is normal, it can also be very debilitating and distressing. Most cases of morning sickness resolve after about 12 weeks of pregnancy, however, a small number of women experience morning sickness past 12 weeks, and some experience severe morning sickness known as hyperemesis.
According to Chinese and Japanese Medicine, nausea and vomiting can come from a variety of underlying causes. Acupuncture aims to regulate and balance the hormones that cause morning sickness and hyperemesis, and strengthen the energy of the stomach and digestive systems. Dietary and lifestyle advice are also important components of the treatment, making sure that your blood sugar levels are stable.
Correctly diagnosing the underlying pattern for the individual person using abdominal, pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as a clear history, is fundamental to Chinese Medicine.
If you are not sure if acupuncture is right for you, please feel free to email any questions you have to katelevettacupuncture@gmail.com
Reflux or heartburn is a common symptom in pregnancy. Most women can reduce mild symptoms by modifying their diet and lifestyle. Women with ongoing or more severe symptoms may also require specific advice about their treatment needs.
There are many underlying causes of reflux/heartburn, and each person will have their own pattern that contributes. The aim of acupuncture is to strengthen stomach Qi, restore balance in the digestive system, stop rising Qi, and provide dietary and lifestyle advice suitable for the individual pattern.
Correctly diagnosing the underlying pattern using abdominal, pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as a clear history, is fundamental to Chinese Medicine.
If you are not sure if acupuncture is right for you, please feel free to email any questions you have to katelevettacupuncture@gmail.com
Back, hip & pelvic pain Pubic symphysitis
Many women experience back, hip and pelvic pain during pregnancy. When the ligaments of the pubic bone soften and there is increased movement, this can cause pubic symphysitis.
These conditions are associated with the change in weight distribution, and hormones which soften ligaments and tissue to accommodate the baby. Back and pelvic pain is one of the commonest conditions of pregnancy, estimated to affect between 25-90% of women, any many report that it affects daily routine and capacity to work.
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective for reducing back and pelvic pain, as well as pubic symphysis pain, with studies reporting decreased pain scores and use of pharmacological pain medication, as well as improved physical functioning.
Correctly diagnosing the underlying pattern using abdominal, pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as a clear history is fundamental to Chinese Medicine.
If you are not sure if acupuncture is right for you, please feel free to email any questions you have to katelevettacupuncture@gmail.com
Restless leg syndrome
Women often report uncomfortable sensations of restless legs in later pregnancy, but sometimes throughout the whole pregnancy.
Restless legs syndrome is a sensorimotor condition that is typically described as having uncomfortable sensation in the limbs and an irresistible urge to move them. This can occur during sleep, giving disturbed and restless sleep - and is considered a major sleep‐related disorder!
Increase weight and fluid load during pregnancy and a shift in the balance of weight can create pressure on the nerves in the hips and back, causing this uncomfortable sensation in the legs.
Acupuncture is extremely effective for restless leg syndrome addressing fluid and weight imbalance, inflammation and other individual underlying causes.
Correctly diagnosing the underlying pattern using abdominal, pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as a clear history is fundamental to Chinese Medicine.
If you are not sure if acupuncture is right for you, please feel free to email any questions you have to katelevettacupuncture@gmail.com
Preparing for labour and birth acupuncture, acupressure and massage
In preparation for birth, acupuncture and acupressure after 37 weeks of pregnancy can provide amazing tools to assist you with cervical ripening, and labour management techniques. Acupuncture, acupressure and massage have amazing pain relieving mechanisms and can support you in a drug-free labour.
I work with you and your partner (and support people) to provide education and resources to help you have the birth that you want, whatever comes up. Having choices in labour, gives you a feeling of control and security. Working with partners and providing tools to support labour helps partners to engage and support you, and this also helps with bonding with the baby.
Working with the hormones of your body is an important component. Gently stimulating your hormones so that your body is ready for labour, is not the same as trying to induce labour when your body is not ready. I work with what your body needs and using key Chinese Medicine diagnostic techniques can tailor a birth preparation plan for you.
My PhD study was focused on developing an antenatal education program using complementary therapies for pain relief in labour, as well as education about the physiology of labour and supportive care techniques for partners. This program showed a significant reduction in rates of caesarean section, epidurals, perineal trauma and the need for resuscitation of the baby.
This program was very popular and showed reduced costs for hospitals too! Click the link below to read about the study in the BMJ Open.
Paediatrics - ‘shonishin’
Japanese acupuncture treatments for babies and children is called ‘Shonishin’. Shonishin, is a safe, specialised, non-insertion acupuncture therapy techniques for babies and children (No needles inserted). Shonishin uses tools and fingers, gently stroked or massages along the acupuncture channel lines (meridians).
The tools used are called ‘enshin’, ‘teishin’ and ‘zanshin’ to help the treatment by tapping, scraping, stroking, rubbing, etc. to gently stimulate the child’s energy and strengthen their constitution.
The specialised paediatric tools are designed to stimulate the acupuncture points and channels, and bring Qi to the surface and move it along the channels. Shonishin treatments can be performed in 15 to 30 minutes depending on the age of the child and severity of the illness. Babies and children find Shonishin to be relaxing and enjoyable.
Similar to acupuncture, shonishin uses the body’s meridians as a guide for blocked Qi, but does not use needles, making it the perfect treatment for children and babies (as well as those who don’t like needles!).
Babies and children respond quite quickly to treatment, as their Qi moves much faster than adults. Meaning treatments are shorter and require less sessions.
While needles are not used, there are many similarities between acupuncture and shonishin. With children, practitioners put pressure on specific points along the body’s 12 meridians to stimulate Qi. Needled are not required because qi is much easier to reach in children.